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This guide provides information on grant opportunities in Pennsylvania.

General Grant Award Acknowledgement

Award recipients must include an acknowledgment of IMLS support in all grant products, publications, and websites developed with IMLS funding.  Acknowledgment should include the credit line (below) and the IMLS logo, where space permits.

The credit line should read:

"This project is made possible in part by federal funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Office of Commonwealth Libraries"

The credit line should not be edited to include other funders, sponsors or partners.  Additional supporting entities, acknowledgments or logos should appear on separate lines in any collateral produced.

Online products, publications, and websites must link to the IMLS website, include the IMLS logo, and the credit line specified (above).

At programs or public gathering related to your award, acknowledge the IMLS and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania orally.  Display the IMLS logo on signage at events.

To obtain the IMLS logo and related-graphic standards, or to learn more about how to acknowledge the IMLS, review the IMLS grantee communications kit.

News Release Grant Award Acknowledgement

In news releases, the credit line (specified above) should be included, and the following information about the IMLS listed:

The Institute of Museum and Library Services is the primary source of federal support for the nation's libraries and museums. We advance, support, and empower America’s museums, libraries, and related organizations through grantmaking, research, and policy development. IMLS envisions a nation where individuals and communities have access to museums and libraries to learn from and be inspired by the trusted information, ideas, and stories they contain about our diverse natural and cultural heritage. To learn more, visit and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Project Materials Grant Award Acknowledgement

In materials that contain or present substantive project content, such as an exhibition, article, catalogue or other publication, video documentary, online exhibition or website, the acknowledgment (credit line specified above) must also include the following statement:

The views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this (publication) (program) (exhibition) (website) (article) do not necessarily represent those of the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the Pennsylvania Department of Education or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Audio/Video Media Grant Award Acknowledgement

At news media interviews, including radio, television, and press acknowledge the IMLS and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania orally.

Audio/Video broadcasts must include the tagline:

“This project is made possible in part by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Office of Commonwealth Libraries"

Video broadcast must display the IMLS logo.