Before applying for a federally funded grant, applicants must comply with federal Uniform Administrative Requirements for grants (2 CFR §200.300 - §200.345).
This means that all applicants must have written:
These sample policies and procedures are presented for reference purposes and not as legal advice. When faced with a question concerning appropriateness or about Uniform Administrative Requirements, grant applicants should seek the advice of their own legal counsel. Please note that this step is for Federal LSTA grants only. Keystone is not a federal grant an does not require this step.
Uniform Guidance Implementation Guide: Procurement (PDF)
The federal Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (commonly called "Uniform Grant Guidance" or "UGG") were officially implemented in 2014. Please note that this step is for Federal LSTA grants only. Keystone is not a federal grant and does not require this step.
UGG reforms aim to reduce the administrative burden on award recipients and guard against the risk of waste and misuse of federal funds.