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State Aid Resources for Pennsylvania Public Libraries

Uploading Documents to LibPAS

The following process is also outlined in the training videos for the State Aid Library Subsidy Application. 

Step 1: Review the question to see what file you will need to upload. Please name your file correctly to match the file naming structure that is necessary. 

Step 2: Select the button marked "Choose File". A pop up window will appear. Find and select your renamed file on your computer and click open/ok.


Step 3: After selecting the correct file, the file should show up next to the "Choose File" button. Verify that it is the correct file. 


Step 4: Click the "Upload" button after verifying that the file is correct.


Step 5: After clicking "Upload" the file should appear in the drop down menu. You can verify this by clicking on the down arrow in the box to the left of the "Choose File" button.  


Step 6: Your file is now uploaded.


If you need to upload another file, click "Choose File" and repeat the steps above.

If you selected a wrong file and need to delete a file. Select the file you want to delete from the drop down menu box and then click the "Delete" button. 

If you would like to download the file at some point, you can always come back and select the "Download" button to retrieve your file. 



Audit-Review-Your District Name-Your Library Name-Year Audit Covers.pdf

  • Example: Audit-Review-Allentown-Dimmick-2021.pdf
  • Year represents the year that the audit covers.


District Negotiated Agreement

District Name_DNA_24-25.pdf

  • Example: Philadelphia_DNA_24-25.pdf
  • Year represents the fiscal year the district negotiated agreement covers.


System Plan

SysPlan-Your System Name-Current Calendar Year.pdf

  • Example: SysPlan-Beaver-2023.pdf
  • Year represents the current calendar year.


Waiver Documents:

Board Meeting minutes documenting the board resolution to apply for a waiver of standards.

WA-Your District Name-Your Library Name-Reporting Year-BM.pdf

  • Example: WA-Allentown-Dimmick-2022-BM.pdf
  • Year represents the reporting year of the waiver.


Financial Statements from the previous 2 years

WA-Your District Name-Your Library Name-Reporting Year-FS.pdf

  • Example: WA-Allentown-Dimmick-2022-FS.pdf
  • Year represents the reporting year of the waiver.


Library's current year budget

WA-Your District Name-Your Library Name-Reporting Year-Bgt.pdf

  • Example: WA-Allentown-Dimmick-2022-Bgt.pdf
  • Year represents the reporting year of the waiver.


WAFL from the most recent reporting year (Waiver Assessment for Libraries)

WAFL-Your District Name-Your Library Name-Reporting Period Year.pdf

  • Example: WAFL-Allentown-Dimmick-2022.pdf
  • Year represents the reporting period.


Waiver request and board resolution signature page

WA-Your District Name-Your Library Name-Reporting Year-Sig.pdf

  • Example: WA-Allentown-Dimmick-2022-Sig.pdf
  • Year represents the reporting year of the waiver.