News for PA Libraries
If an Independent Library is transitioning to a Branch designation of another Independent Library, the following documents need to be submitted to OCL with the next State Aid Library Subsidy Application (SALSA). Service area changes for the purpose of state aid are only recognized once a year, during the State Aid Library Subsidy Application (SALSA).
Board minutes and resolution from the Independent library board reflecting the change in status and dissolution of the Independent Library.
Board minutes and resolution from the Central Library reflecting the addition of the future Branch.
A letter to the State Librarian describing and justifying the adjustment in service area as a result of acquiring a new Branch from an existing library.
If a System Member Library is transitioning to a Branch designation of another System Member Library of the same system, the following documents will need to be submitted to OCL with the next State Aid Library Subsidy Application (SALSA). Service area changes for the purpose of state aid are only recognized once a year, during the State Aid Library Subsidy Application (SALSA).
Board minutes and resolution from the System Member Library board reflecting the change in status and dissolution of the System Member Library.
Board minutes and resolution from the Central Library reflecting the addition of the future Branch Library.