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Annual Report Overview and FAQ

A resource for general information and frequently asked questions revolving around Pennsylvania's Annual Report (Public Library Survey).

Section T - Bookmobile Report

T. Bookmobile Report

This section captures data for each bookmobile governed by the library’s administration. 

A bookmobile is a truck or van that serves as a traveling branch library and is specially equipped to carry an organized collection of library materials. The bookmobile has paid staff and a regular schedule of public hours (bookmobile stops). 

If the library has transitioned the bookmobile to an outreach vehicle that no longer meets the above definition of a bookmobile, please contact the State Aid team at to explain the current services to determine if it meets the bookmobile definition for purposes of this report. 


General Information 

This subsection reports basic information required for the national Public Library Survey (PLS).

T-1. The information for if the library has a bookmobile is prefilled.  Please contact State Aid if the information needs to be changed. 

T-2. This LIBID is the main library’s identification in which this bookmobile is governed. This is prefilled. 

T-3. If the bookmobile was permanently closed during the reporting year, please mark the "closed" box. Do not check this box if the bookmobile was temporarily out of service due to a variety of circumstances but will be reopened in the next reporting period. 

T-4 to T-6. This information is prefilled. 



This subsection reports the physical location of all bookmobiles. All data elements in this section are locked.  If changes to the physical location of the bookmobile have changed, please contact State Aid at 


Admin Info 

This subsection reports information concerning the bookmobile library director or manager.  

T-12. Bookmobile Library Telephone Number. This data element is locked.  If changes need to be made, contact the State Aid team at 

T-13. Librarian in Charge of Bookmobile Service. Enter the name the person who is currently in charge of the bookmobile. If the position is vacant, enter the word VACANT into the data field...



This subsection reports the hours the bookmobile provides public access as well as any changes to hours due to COVID-19.

T-14. Standard Hours Per Week Bookmobile is open for public services throughout the community.  List the standard hours per week the bookmobile is open for public services throughout the community... 

T-15. Number of Weeks During the Year the Bookmobile is Open to the Public. Report the number of weeks the branch library is staffed for service. Count the weeks the bookmobile is staffed for service. The count should be based on the number of weeks that the bookmobile was open for half or more of its scheduled service hours. Extensive weeks closed to the public due to natural disasters or other events should be excluded from the count. Round to the nearest whole number. Do not report more than 52 weeks per year.

T-16. Please calculate the total annual public service hours for the bookmobile. To calculate this figure, take the total possible open hours (Number of hours scheduled to be open per week x (times) 52 weeks) and subtract the total hours closed during the reporting year (holiday closure hours, total 10-week reduction hours (if applicable), and any long-term closures due to emergencies or natural disasters). There is no need to subtract hours closed for snow delays/closures or early closures due to power outages, etc.



This subsection reports information concerning the bookmobile’s collection, circulation, and collection expenditures.

T-17. Cataloged Items in the Bookmobile at the End of Current Annual Report Period. Report items the bookmobile has as part of the collection and catalogued, whether purchased, leased, licensed, or donated as gifts. Items that are packaged together as a unit and are checked out as a unit should be counted as 1 physical unit. For example, if an audiobook contains 4 CDs, count as 1 unit. This figure should be included with the main library’s cataloged items reported in Section E. Library Collection. 

T-18. Shelf Capacity of Bookmobile. Report the number of items that can be shelved on the bookmobile at one time. 

T-19. Total Bookmobile Circulation. The total annual circulation of all library materials of all types, including renewals, from the bookmobile. Count all materials in all formats that are charged out for use from the bookmobile. Interlibrary loan transactions included are only items borrowed for users. Do not include items checked out to another library. Figure should be included in the administrative entity's counts in Section F. Library Usage.

T-20. Bookmobile Collection Expenditures. Report the amount of collection expenditures designated specifically for the bookmobile. Figure should be included in the administrative entity's expenditures in Section K - Operating Expenditures.



Bookmobile transferring into an outreach vehicle:

  • If the system pays the employee. Where should that staff member be entered?  They are no longer a bookmobile Librarian since there is no longer a bookmobile.  

    • Staff will be entered under the System Admin Unit Personnel Section G-1 through G-10. If, at the time of entering data into the report, the bookmobile has transitioned to an outreach vehicle, then the staff member would no longer be reported on the Detailed Staff Information table as the bookmobile librarian.  


  • Are Outreach vehicle activities counted anywhere other than programs they provide for their library?

    • The only outreach vehicle activities that can be reported are those that fall within the program definitions.