State aid, also known as the Public Library Subsidy, is paid to public libraries that meet standards found in Title 24 The Public Library Code (Statute) and Title 22 of the Pennsylvania Code (Regulations) (Sections 141.21- 141.28). State aid is not provided to libraries to allow them to meet the eligibility standards, but is granted to libraries that are already meeting the eligibility standards as set forth in the laws.
The Office of Commonwealth Libraries recognizes that libraries may periodically come into economic hardship which prevents them from maintaining standards year to year and when possible, has the authority to grant waivers of certain standards. In accordance with 24 P.S. 9332(c), the waiver is intended to facilitate the submission of information libraries must provide if they fail to meet applicable standards and, if approved, maintain eligibility for state aid. Submitting a waiver application does not guarantee that the waiver will be approved. The Library Board of Directors/Trustees should strive to meet standards to ensure future eligibility.
Waiver applications are for the specific reporting year that was applied for. If the waiver is not granted, District Aid may be withheld or delayed.
The Library Board of Directors/Trustees seeking a waiver must adopt a resolution to apply for a waiver of standards if meeting the standards places an economic hardship on the library’s operating budget. Economic hardship is the inability to meet reasonable basic expenses associated with providing library service aligned with standards outlined in the statute or regulations to be eligible to receive funding through the Public Library Subsidy.
1. Open PA Counting Opinions website: and click “Login” on landing page.
2. Login to the Pennsylvania Public Library Data Collection using your library’s username and password. If you need assistance with this information, please contact the State Aid Office at
3. Your library’s home page will open. Click “Begin”.
4. On Data Input screen, select WAFL – District Library Center.
5. Click on the word PRINT in the upper right side of the site. Ensure that pop-ups have been enabled for this step to be successfully completed.
7. A pop-up “Print Form” box will appear, click on “Template”.
8. A pdf will be created and downloaded from the browser. In the Edge browser, a notification appears so the document can either be immediately opened or saved.
9. Retrieve the downloaded document, save it on the computer, and re-name the document using the following naming structure.