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State Library of Pennsylvania
State Library of Pennsylvania
Statewide STEAM for Libraries
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Statewide STEAM for Libraries
A resource page for libraries around Pennsylvania. Contains materials from both the State Library of Pennsylvania and other organizations.
STEMlab Lending Library
County STEM Resources
Program Series
Further Information
Quick grab activities
100 Amazing Homeschool Ideas for Architectural Engineering
Architecture Activities for Youth
From the Virginia chapter of the American Institute of Architects
Architecture Lessons + Projects for Kids
From archKIDecture, includes Mr. Rogers. Mostly aimed at lower elementary
Architecture Projects for Middle School Students
archKIDecture: architecture for kids
Lessons and activities, plus book and toy recommendations
Artist's Work/Artist's Voice: Louis I. Kahn
A series of thought activities to prompt kids to consider why architecture is built, and how it is named, from Grove Art Online
Build a microscale home
One of a set of architectural challenges by Tom Alphin, the author of the LEGO Architect
Build an Earthquake-Resistant House
A plan on earthquake resistance, specifically for middle school
Builder's Club: Tween Edition
A sample longer program from ALA that includes architecture as well as other activities
Building towards the Future
The TeachEngineering plan on civil engineering, bridges, and skyscrapers
Building a sustainable community, and the interdependent parts
Explore by Architectural Style
The GSA page on historic preservation has good examples of American architectural styles through the mid 20th Century
Interior Design 1
The Utah State Education page on floor plans and interior design
Mathematics & Architecture: Resources
Great page with activites and more information on the link between architecture and mathematics
Self-Guided Activities
Some nice activities from the Center for Architecture. Hits all parts of the K-12 grade band
STEM Kit: KEVA Architect
A sample STEM kit that includes planks and books
Top 10 Examples of Biomimicry in Architecture
Good examples to use in programs
Unit 15: Architecture, design, and dance
A longer look at Modernism in Architecture in the 20th Century
Welcome to the Frank Lloyd Wright Virtual Classroom
Lessons and activities from the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. Includes virtual field trips
Architectural Scale
A hands on activity from the LEGO Architecture Studio manual
Architectural Symmetry
A hands on activity from the LEGO Architecture Studio manual
Architecture Unit
The Guide in PDF, including the Architects section from the side tab
Design through Abstraction
A hands on activity from the LEGO Architecture Studio manual
Form and Organization
A hands on activity from the LEGO Architecture Studio manual
Patterns and Proportion
A hands on activity from the LEGO Architecture Studio manual
Proportion and Symmetry
A hands on activity from the LEGO Architecture Studio manual
Seattle Central Library
Rex Studios planning process for the Seattle Public Library, from the LEGO Architecture Studio manual
STEM with Keva Planks
Three cool activities to use with KEVA planks
Structure and Space
A hands on activity from the LEGO Architecture Studio manual
Tiny House Design
The ORISE design project on tiny homes
Construction Activities
Constructing a Floor Plan
The design and basics of a building floor plan
10 Best Degrees for Construction
A list of some degrees for Construction
Build Guides, Lesson Plans and Internship Resources
Activities and lessons from the National Association of Home Builders. Multiple age ranges
An extensive list of jobs in Construction
Construction and Trade Lesson Plans
An enormous list of links to various hosting activities and lessons from the Vocational Information Center
Curriculum Resources for CTE/Architecture & Construction
Lessons and activities from the Utah Education Network
Everything you need to start a construction program at your school
The Construction Ready page on starting a construction club. Also has construction-related resources.
Program Series
Further Information >>